Political Invaders is a free arcade game for Windows. The aim of this game is to throw missiles/pies at the politicians we previously elected. As we throw projectiles at them, we have to change position quickly and try not to be hit by any of the flying bombs that the politicians are continuously throwing back at us.
We can customize several options, such as whether to play in full screen, set the game's difficulty, missile speed (ours and those thrown by the enemy), graphics resolution, enable/disable sound effects, set controls (mouse, keyboard, or joystick), etc. If we want to win without too much effort, we can enable up to seven tricks that can help us a lot, such as 5-minute invulnerability, skipping to another level, and others. Then, we can choose the game's interface we like best (classic style or new style), and select the politicians we dislike most (USA Democrats, USA Republicans, USA Election 2008, and politicians from other countries) to fight them. Political Invaders runs under Windows Vista, and XP OS.